About Me and This Blog

Long story short, I have found myself in a rut.  I finished my MBA in 2009 and come 2010 I found myself with lots of extra time on my hands.  Finally able to relax and enjoy my family, friends, and work I found myself doing the same. old. things.  I did some great travelling: Whistler, London, Paris, but in the weekly day to day stuff, it was nothing exciting.  I actually became one of those people that when asked, “What’s new?” I responded, “Nothing much, same old same old.”  Ugh.  I hate those people.  Talk about a conversation killer.  So one of my resolutions is to get out of my rut and DO MORE.  I plan to do one “different” thing a week.  And document it.  Maybe even with pictures.  It’s gonna be a big year for me: ski vaca with the family, I turn 30, and my sister is getting married.  How hard can it be to come up with 49 other fantastic things to do?

2 thoughts on “About Me and This Blog

  1. I like the blog…but relax you have plenty of time for many things…who would have thought you would have been hit by the ninja looter????

  2. Hi M,
    I am enjoying your new attitude, and finding your fresh outlook, well… refreshing. There are SO many of those people who we ask ” how are you?” and as soon as we utter the words, we realize that we should have NEVER asked, because their answer is going to be tedious and depressing. Good for you for not falling into that mundane syndrome. You’ll be inspirational, and encouraging. Like paying it forward for us all to get out and spread our wings. 30 is the new 20 my dear, and I’m hoping 44 is the new 34. Keep Blogging! I LOVE it! xo

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